(This Is An Expose)
(And Then Some!)
(First Published August 2018 - Revised October 2019)
Hello, and welcome to the chucktrevino.com Warning Page! This little communique is meant to subtly inform certain
misinformed, brainwashed, befuddled and cluelessly vulnerable peoples, thus making them aware of some of the more predatory elements lurking in this
and other countries that not only threaten their freedom, well-being, moral integrity, life savings, lives, limbs and sanity, but also those
of their children. And if those aforementioned certain peoples don't care about the safety and well-being of their own horrible selves,
that's ok I guess; but to put their children in harm's way forces a few inevitable questions to rear their dire heads, the
primary question being, of course, whether such alarmingly irresponsible people should even be allowed to own children.
PLEASE NOTE: This Friendly Discourse is being given to you at great personal risk to my own freedom and well-being. Know this:
people in less "tolerant" countries who try doing what I am about to do now are frequently found in ditches with their heads disattached from their
bodies. Am I implying that I, or any other American who doesn't possess bullet-proof skin, is actually safe doing what I'm about to do now because we are
Americans? Absolutely not! But first I'd better state what it is I'm about to do: yeah, that would probably be a good
thing... harrrummmpphhhh... alright you peopleoids, if you must have it, here it is: Charles intends to... ok, ok, I intend to, with insanely
fearless resolution, and with absolute disregard for his... er, my own personal safety, and with firm adherence to a code of moral values, and being of sound mind(?) and
healthy body, and last but not least... um, hold on a sec... I forgot what it was I was going to do...
Oh yeah... I was about to expose a certain form of person, a rather strange, if not completely abhorrent, product of nightmarish recombinant DNA expression,
a being of shall we say somewhat skewed consciousness, an insanely paranoid, ultra-vindictive, overly-vengeful, sickeningly cupiditous (is cupiditous an actual word?
It is now!), incredibly avaricious, unbelievably antagonistic, undyingly combative (that is, as long as he doesn't have to actually physically fight anybody himself),
repugnantly obnoxious, self-loathing and fecal (as in feces... get it?) rouge of a being, a foul disgusting brick of a person who, because of your (not my) rather odious inclination to eat the
$h!t of Satan directly from the source, has grown so unbelievably and unstoppably rich and powerful that to even mention the name by which he is generally known is to
invite accusations of, well... anti-Satanism! And that seems to have become the worst thing that any of us can do in these tragically Orwellian times. Therefore,
I cannot safely actually say the name of the person, or persons, or group of persons whom I am intending to castigate here, and shall hereinafter refer to them as
the SS/DG people (yuk yuk yuk; just a little "inside" jest there, guys... don't take it personally).
These people, by dint of a complete lack of socially redeeming traits that even remotely resemble anything we would call higher consciousness (i.e., that which supposedly separates
human beings from the beasts of the jungle, red in tooth and claw and all that fine stuff), have seized control of every major country in the world, and are working on the
minor ones too, using a fool-proof methodology which we shall shortly be closely examining. In fact what they ingeniously do is simulate an actual virus, a non-sentient
but in some cases incredibly destructive unseen entity that can gain entry into a cell in your body in a number of ways, one of which is by disguising itself as a beneficial "friend,"
thereby fooling the membrane of that cell into letting it in, whereupon it begins to replicate itself within that cell at an astounding rate of speed, soon growing so confidently
numerous that it and it's offspring eventually burst out of the confines of said cell and move on to the next victim cell to repeat the process, over and over again. This
action usually leads to a non-favorable result (although it can bestow beneficial changes to the human race).
Upon seizing control of a given country, these "people" set in motion an incredibly hard-to-reverse series of changes in said country's culture, religion, and
mental stability. I'm not talking about Jesuitism here, people; compared to these people, Jesuits are angels from heaven! These guys do a lot
more than simply help out unenlightened people in dire straits; these frickers want to bring those poor people a different "type" of manna from heaven. A
questionably beneficient influx of, hmmm, how shall we put this... American(?) style of thinking for themselves. In short, they turn that country's citizens' minds into
confused, disoriented, disgustingly mean-spirited, insipidly happy and absurdly silly mush, thus rendering them helpless to their attack. These
people are the ultimate profiteers of the decline of western and any other civilization ever seen on the face of the earth in recorded
history, and probably before that, too. But the worst part is, these people have managed to convince their constituent others,
either through brainwash, bribery or, should those means fail, outright coercion, that they are actually helping the world!
Well, they're not helping the world. I can personally attest to this, as this juggernaut has, for reasons which I still don't fully understand, deigned to reveal it's true hideous
face to me, myself. I have been observing these virus-people and their hyenic ways closely for at least 50 years now, and as such, I feel that I have got to be one of the
foremost experts on earth-walking Satanism that ever lived. Wait a minute, you may be asking yourself right about now... exactly how old is Charles that he can toss
off statements such as "I have been observing these people and their hyenic ways closely for at least 500 years now," or whatever it was he said? Let me answer
that honestly and succinctly: I am 100 years old, and have been around the block a few more times than most of you. In addition to my seniority, I also
seem to have some kind of rare gift for discerning "cause and effect," and am also a seer, that is, a person who can see through people who are patently
transparent, but only to me it seems. Therefore, I feel that I am highly qualified to point out the reasons why these people must be stopped, and I am now going to
outline just a few of those reasons. I will list them as follows:
1. They are insane. And not just because I say they're insane; these people have proven it over and over, time and time again, for a very impressive
length of time. Anyone who wasn't born yesterday and who has even a little bit of a noodle up there (i.e., is not insane) can see it; all they have to do
is pick up their remote control and switch on their television or radio or computer (or cell phone, nowadays) and they can see it.. if they're not insane.
A. The problem is, folks, and you are not going to like this... everybody is insane!! That's right folks,
everyone, excepting Charles of course, is, for all intents and purposes, certifiable! This sad state of affairs has been brought about by a number of means, the biggest one
being our televisions (Oh, I mean your televisions; Charles himself would sooner eat chocolate-covered vomit of spotted laughing hyena than watch
television, and I ain't kidding guys) and Blu-Ray DVD players... seriously folks, it's time to sit down and assess yourselves. What else can you call yourselves, when you can
willingly and enthusiastically sit there and watch people like Jerry Seinfeld or Tom Hanks or Johnny Deep or Depth (or whatever that excellent guy calls
himself) demonstrate unashamedly their complete lack of any virtue which might even remotely be described as higher consciousness? No,
really people... for God's sake, it's time for all of you to just take a deep breath, reach down there and pull yourselves up by the bootstraps! You have been
brainwashed into believing that this candy-coated dogshit is actually worthy of your time and attention! I'm here to tell you, I was born to tell
you people, that this is just not so.
B. The ugly fact is, I have seen things on television and DVD's, and heard things on legally broadcast radio,
that no human being should ever watch or listen to! And you have all grown used to it! The younger ones out there don't even know
that "entertainment" like that used to be shunned and cursed by the majority of the population, and that the people that brought those things to
you used to be ostracized to the point where they had nobody to hang out with but themselves (and that must have been no picnic!)! But
nowadays these dregs can proudly sign their artwork, at least the stupider ones do (the smarter ones get a front man to sign it for them); this is
because times have changed so much it is no longer considered declasse to watch merde like MTV, South Park, inhumanly insipid cartoon movies (have you
ever actually sat down and seen what your kids are watching, people? Do you ever try to stop them from watching that stuff? I'm afraid
I already know the answer to that one... nay [i.e., nothing doing, not on your life, no way, on no account, on no condition, under no
circumstances, by no means, by no manner of means, in no case, not at any price, not for love or money or Jesus, not for the life of me, not for
the world... in short, no dice, Charles]!) and commercials, or listen to the unbelievable insanity being pumped out across the radio
airwaves. Peopleoids, are you just looking away and trusting the noble creators of South Park to raise your children to be fine upstanding
citizens, like Martin Scorsese (a real pillar of his community there, boy)? Well, are you? Huh?
C. No matter... we take the good with the bad, don't we, and just sluggishly proceed with our remarkably meaningful lives,
right? But what happens when there is no more good to be taken with that aforementioned bad? What happens when there is nothing left but Dreamworks
movies starring Johnny Dupp? When there are no more good films, books, musical offerings or websites like chucktrevino.com? Let me answer that question for
you, thus saving you from having to go put on your thinking caps (Wot? You don't have a thinking cap? You people!!)... when the sad
day comes when God looks down upon the maggots that we (except for Charles!) have all allowed ourselves to degenerate into, fucking over his beautiful
garden of a planet that we call Earth, ruining it for other life forms that actually do live in harmony with God and Nature so red in tooth, claw and
all that great stuff, and irresponsibly reproducing ourselves to an absolutely insane extent even though we now have access to things like contraception and abortion
(which some politically hand-tied or vote-seeking pontificating hypocrites want to take away from us, thank you very much, all in the name of you know who), when that day
finally arrives, people, God is going to get real mad and... and...
D. Actually, I was just talking big... I don't know what God is going to do to us. He
sure puts up with a lot, doesn't He? Maybe He'll just allow us to go on having a real groovy time enjoying
ourselves until we turn the planet into something that might support a bacterium or a virus, or maybe even a cute
little single-celled amoeboid protozoan (Charles is shamefully using his thesaurus again), but not a higher life form such as a human, or even an
entertainment industry mogul (we're still talking about higher life forms here, right? [heh-heh; had to get that one in there,
2. They give "their" own people an extremely bad name! That's right you guys, "fake" news is not your friend, and these
guys, through their control of a little understood phenomenon known as mass media, have managed to impose an incredibly effective brainwashing system on
most of "their" people (who have surely suffered greatly throughout the ages because of the incredibly fecal excesses of these foul political/economic magicians),
by spreading false information at an incredible rate of speed. They then convince "their" people that their only option is to join up with them,
send them their money (which "their" people all seem to have a lot of), and back them completely and unquestioningly. All you are doing, my friends, is
assisting Old Nick in his questionably altruistic mission, there... all I can tell you is, I would really think twice before aligning yourselves with
satanic scumsuckers or damned gonads with initials like SS or DG; these people will lead you straight off the highway and into the ditch, ok? Don't
thank me.
3. They are contagious! And I'm not joking there, folks. Opportunistic greed is extremely contagious! I
was standing in the park the other day feeding peanuts to the big black ravens that like to sit up there in their tree branches watching us crazy
earthbound human beings feed the squirrels peanuts, and what do you think happened? Well, ravens are very intelligent life forms,
and when they all saw that I was standing there throwing peanut after peanut to the fortunate few who were in close proximity,
they all of them decided to get in close proximity too! Silly little giggling me that I am, I continued throwing peanuts... and
suddenly found myself surrounded by scads of flying, flapping, menacing big ravens who couldn't really be blamed for thinking that they
were stupid for not getting in on the action and scoring some peanuts, too! But ravens are actually pretty cool... they didn't kill
me and take my peanuts, like a flock of more sinister Death Owls might have done; they just flew around me, scaring the frickin' hell out of me
until I decided to stop my damnable giggling and get the heck out of there with my stupid peanuts, pronto.
A. What can we infer from this little analogy? That's a no-brainer... if a normal, typical
person sees some dweeb abandoning the code of ethics that the better of us used to live by, and profiting handsomely due to
his lack of ethical restraints, can that person really be expected to just sit back and watch the little prick get it all, while
he's sitting there restraining himself with his stupid code of ethics, imbecile that he is? No way, dude! On no account, under
no condition, by no means, by no manner of means, under no circumstances, in no case, not at any price, not for love or money
or... ooops! I gotta stop this cut and paste stuff!
B. Think about it a minute! What would you do? Let's face it guys... everyone
except Charles is going to abandon their ethical restraints and cash in (Charles must like being poor or something). But
seriously now... you get the picture. In kind of the same mysterious way that hens will establish a hierarchy by, well... pecking each other,
people too will build dynasties and power structures based on how well they can rip another guy off... sort of like robber barons,
comprendo? Is that really the way things should work? Charles says "NO!", dude... it should not be allowed to
1. Some
of you more learned people might want to argue that democracies are over-rated, that they're easier for the night crawlers to take over than a
monarchy or some less hand-tied form of government... that is a whole 'nother stack of pancakes folks, and, believe it or
not... Charles likes pancakes. We might be perusing both sides of that issue in future updates to this warning webpage... or we might
not. It all depends on how long Charles can keep his head attached to his body (Charles will be accepting bet wagers on who will be the first
to do him, also to be featured in future webpage updates - a lot of people don't like Charles!). Stay tuned...
3. They are ridiculous! Now we are about to get into a knock-down, drag-out fight here, folks, with opponents and
assassins of Charles using their media powers (they pretty much control the media) to try to rile Charles into making a stupid move that will earn him even
more enemies than he would ordinarily make himself if he were to, say, insult, mock, ridicule, disparage and worst of all expose some asinine
American media celebrity such as a (bad) actor, absurdly hypocritical simp-wimp-rock star of dubious talent who only made it there because his
daddy is a legendary musical genius (I'm actually being nice to this dreg, people), motion picture genius(?) director, well-known and internationally revered
cartoon mouse, or other ridiculous fool that has been built up to be some kind of god whom we should all worship (if we're hip, that is), and... and... oh,
where was I? I forgot what I was talking about...
A. Oh yeah, now I remember... there is a battle brewing people, with angry combatants lining up on their respective sides...
In the right corner we have the battle-scarred Charles Adrian, who has sometimes been rather insensitively labeled "The Mouth of the South" by sarcastic and cynical labelers,
and in the other (the wrong) corner of the ring we have... them! Who are "them?" I'll be getting to that in a few... just let
me re-gather my thoughts, courage, rectitude and negative charisma... need a little breather there, guys, then I will commence to re-commence (if
ya' start me up, if ya' start me up I'll never stop, never stop, never stop, NEVER STOP)...
B. Actually you peopleoids, maybe I should quit for a while while I'm still ahead and in one piece,
and go work on my music or my writings or my doorknob or something for a little bit, while I'm still able. Ok, let's break from all of
this fun for a little while and go take care of business, like we all know we have to, and come back to this "warning" later. In upcoming updates we shall be getting
bolder and more inquisitive in our noble attempt to exorcise the devil, "flush the toilet" and rid ourselves of some of that... stench! I
can't think of a better way to put it. Alright then, carry on you little droogs, and always remember this wise little Charlesian bit of
poetry: as the silver-winged eagle soars, as the green brown mountains rolling off into the misted valleys march eternally onward into the blazing light
of truth, so too shall Charles selflessly and heroically... uh...
hmmmm, what was I going to say? Forgot the rest of it. Oh well, no matter.
It will surely all come back to me later!
Thanks for reading all this, and I hope you didn't take too much offense... but we can't correct ourselves if we don't know we're going wrong,
now can we? I know my ramblings are sometimes hard to follow, but you are the reason I'm doing it! Will my efforts be
rewarded? Only time will tell.
G'bye for now!!!
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All text Copyright 2018 by Charles Adrian Trevino. The opinions expressed herein have been
very carefully thought-out after performing the most stringent research and mental self-flagellation, so they must be true...
And if you believe that, can I sell you a watch? Need a watch, anyone? I have a real beaut, a nice little mickey mouse number...
In case you hadn't guessed, this is chucktrevino.com.